5/4 Homer Street Moonee Ponds 3039

School Strategies

At school, in the classroom and on the playground, teachers are advised to follow standard infection control guidelines that are in place to manage all bodily fluid and blood spills regardless of the persons involved. It is also advisable that all children are taught these same principles as a matter of course in the early years. If these are followed no special arrangements or precautions need to be taken that identifies staff or children affected by the virus.

Link(s) to other useful online resources for schools on strategies in responding to a child/young person with this condition

What is this hep C thing?

‘What is this hep C thing?’ is a new hepatitis C cartoon and quiz for school students, designed by a focus group of young people. Follow the story of Zoe, Matt and Sam and decide what happens to them. Go to http://www.hepc.com.au/

This activity was produced by the Education Resource Centre and also comes  as a stand alone CD with teacher’s notes. It was mailed out to all Victorian state schools in 2008.  Copies can be ordered by contacting the Education Resource Centre on (03) 9276 6993 or go to their website: http://www.hivhepsti.info/

An educator from Hepatitis C Victoria may also be able to come out to your school to do an education session to both teachers and students in regards to hepatitis C. To contact Hepatitis C Victoria, go to www.hepcvic.org.au